Semiotics shows the development of 
speech power, numbers and music the systemic frame of awareness; together they form the original code of the mind. But matter also follows the same structure by mathematical necessity. We live in three worlds, structured according to the dimensions:
Try and understand this concept by first considering the left row, then the right row, and only then the middle row. In this way the understanding mind can, so to speak, rely on its two feet to support the middle. The left row is spatial, the right row is temporal. Both go downwards as the descending rays of creation. The middle is the ascending ray of negentropy.
The left spatial ray of creation shows the involution of diminishing energy on a microcosmic scale controlled primarily by electromagnetism. Energy becomes more involved with matter and self organizes itself into ever larger and more constricted systems. Going from the zero to the fourth dimension energy becomes more symmetrical, diminished and predictable taking on the characteristics of solid matter. The microcosm world is unfathomably small, and is only visible to Man with microscopes.
The right temporal ray of creation goes down showing the dependency and interconnectedness of matter controlled primarily by gravity. The macrocosm pertains to size scales much larger than Man.
The middle mesocosmic row goes up as the counterpointal ascending ray to the microcosm and macrocosm. It shows the evolution of life forms of increasing complexity of Self Organization and decreasing symmetry. It pertains to information, number and language. The mesocosm is the size scale of the world of Man.
The quantum of action which begins the left spatial row has infinite potentiality and energy, but no extension. The first full step in the involution of energy into form is the Photon which has about a billion electron volts of energy.(1) It can travel in any direction, which can never be predicted, but it is submitted to the velocity of light, 186,000 miles per second. There is only one kind of Photon; it has unit spin and no charge.
Next are the Electrons which come in pairs with opposite spin to the other nuclear particles. While the exact position of an electron can never be predicted, even when it is trapped in an atom, its directions of travel are constricted by the shells of the atoms and by relations between the nuclear particles. The nuclear particles have half-spin and are charged either positively, negatively or neutral. The nuclear particles have more symmetry and less freedom than the Photon.
The next step in the scale is the atom. An atom has a nucleus and up to seven shells. The distance of the atomic shells follows the ratio of the central diagonal of the multiplication table. The simplest atom - the hydrogen atom - has about 10 electron volts of energy. There are around a hundred kinds of atoms with various kinds of chemical properties. Again the atoms have more symmetry and less freedom than the nuclear particles.
The final step in involution is the molecule. The average molecule has about 1/25th of an electron volt of energy and comes in three forms: metal, salt and crystal. It has total symmetry but comes in countless variety with many kinds of properties.
The molecular level is where the direction turns and life originates. With life consciousness begins an evolutionary trek backwards to less and less symmetry and more freedom. But where did all of the energy come from in the first place to begin the process of matter and then life?
Current scientific understanding of the origin of the material Universe in time is called the "Big Bang" theory. It is the creation story of the "Myth of Science", the dominant belief system of modern culture. The Big Bang cosmology is remarkably similar to the ancient Hindu origin myth known as the "Breath of Brahman". Under the Big Bang theory the current space-time Universe was created in a unfathomably large explosion which occurred about 15 billion years ago. At the moment of origin all of the Universe, all matter and energy, existed together in total order and symmetry, called by scientists the "Great Singularity". Then the Universe exploded in the Big Bang, or exhalation of the breath of Brahman, and all started moving away from each other as the directions and time began. The Great Singularity began to break up and space and the different elements began to be formed. With this first breath a countervailing rhythm of arithmetic expansion and geometric contraction began.
We are still in the early stages of the expansion of the Universe where all Galaxies are receding from each other at the speed of light. This is the exhalation of Brahman. Expansion occurs as arithmetical electromagnetic growth. At the same time the force of contraction grows with the geometrical growth of gravitation.
Under one theory the expansion of matter and energy away from the center explosion point is preceded by black spheres. Where they meet, the Galaxies originate fractally. Billions of galaxies have been and will continue to be formed as the Universe expands. Within each galaxy billions of stars then form. In one such galactic arm, the Milky Way, our star the Sun is located. Around the stars planets are then formed and orbit the star. At this time it is not known whether all stars have planets, or only some, but it is known that many planets circulate around our star. The third planet from the Sun is our Earth. Most of the planets in turn have their own smaller bodies, or moons, which circulate around them. We have a single Moon which revolves around the Earth. This macrocosmic expansion process takes trillions of years, as billions of galaxies, stars, planets and moons are formed.
THE MYTH OF THE BIG BANG (a/k/a The Myth Of The Breath of Brahman)
Eventually the force of gravitational contraction will equal that of electromagnetic expansion. At that point the maximum size of the Universe will be reached, and the creative process wherein new galaxies, stars, planets and moons are formed will finally come to an end. The equilibrium point is the pause between the exhalation and inhalation of the Cosmic Breath. After that, the geometric force will begin to exceed the arithmetical, the direction will reverse, and the Universe will begin contracting. The inhalation of the breath of Brahman will begin. As all matter and energy converges, Black Holes will be created with greater frequency. Ultimately the entire Universe will be drawn together again into a single point, a vast black hole into which all space-time will inhale. This final Omega Point, the end, may in turn produce another Big Bang wherein Brahman begins a new breath, exhales again, and a new Universe is formed. If the law of fractal recursiveness holds true, the new Universe will repeat certain basic forms, but it will do so with new and unique variations and differences.
Microcosm and macrocosm are not causes, but parameters of evolution. The world of Man between the macrocosm and microcosm is called the mesocosm. Here living consciousness evolves into progressively higher levels of complex Self Organization. It proceeds from the mineral world, to plant, animal, Man, up to the Great Singularity, the subject of the Universe, God. These are stages of expanding integration of consciousness into individual being. The stages parallel the involution of energy according to the dimensions.
The ability to organize comes from within the conscious being itself, and is not imposed on the being from outside forces. For this reason scientists call this the Self Organizing principal or Auto Poiesis. Although the inherent ability to self organize is not predetermined, or governed by outside forces, at each level its evolution follows the patterns of one of the four chaotic attractors.
- Point like Attractor - Crystal.
- Circuit/Cycle Attractor - Plant.
- Torus Attractor - Animal.
- Strange Attractor - Man.
Self organized consciousness evolves upward on the mesocosm. It starts in the crystal form with viruses and the genetic code. Then it ascends to greater degrees of conscious integration. Entities organize themselves into ever more complicated and ornate systems. Life forms evolve, adapt, and bring coherence to larger systems in new ways. Thus the Universe continues to evolve and change. With each stage of the evolutionary ladder of self organization one direction of symmetry is lost and freedom gained.
(4) - The crystal in the fourth dimension has complete symmetry. The Point Attractors allow the energy in inorganic molecules to self organize as organic molecules. In this way they cross the bridge from the microcosm of lifeless molecules and energy, to the mesocosm of living crystals. With crystals, both organic and inorganic, everything is attracted to a single point, all line up in perfect order. All three axes, up and down, right and left, front and behind are the same. The molecules are in perfect symmetric order. The microcosmical geometric structure is balanced by the Moon, the weather it produces, and the four states of matter: solid, fluid, gaseous or fire. At the crystalline level the essential code controlling all further life formation is created, the DNA/RNA life structure. Life then uses these crystalline forms of amino acids to grow in size by cellular division, by scaling and multiplication.
(3) - The plant looses one symmetry: the vertical, up/down symmetry. The cycle attractors allow the simplest crystalline life forms to self organize to a higher form of consciousness where greater freedom is possible. The top of the plants, the crown, differs from the roots, and the two are connected by the stem. Now, only the left and right and front and back axes of a plant remain symmetrical. This is called radial or cylindrical symmetry: two axes of symmetry. Trees alternate between seed and gestalt, with the axis of all plant life pointing to the earth, and its energy received directly from the Sun through photosynthesis. There is also a vertical flow back and forth, from the leaves to the roots and visa versa, according to the cycle attractor.
(2) - Under the influence of the Torus attractors the next stage in the evolutionary ladder was reached: the animal. The animal has again freed itself of another symmetry, the front/back symmetry, with front as nourishment and back as excrements. The front and rear of animals are different, as are the top and bottom, but the right and left of animals remains symmetrical. This is bilateral symmetry with one axis of symmetry. The animals feed on plants and each other, and are directed by the four drives: nourishment, fear, aggression and reproduction in the double frame of survival and species instinct. Animals follow the Torus attractor, they engage in complex behaviors and are dependent upon each other and the environment in multileveled ecological systems.
(1) - Around 11,000 years ago the first Neolithic Man evolved from Paleolithic animal Man. From that time on we have had the potential to shed the last right-left symmetry by taming the Strange attractors. (2)
Since the human life stage is so relatively new, we are still born with the animals right-left axis of symmetry and must strive to attain true Humanity. Although there are some differences in the symmetry of the human face, overall we are as left-right symmetrical as the other animals. But with our neocortex abilities, our capacities of language and number, we can self organize out of this last constraint.One of the keys to self organization is the coherent application of chance to ride the strange attractors. In this way we can use both the brains we are born with, the left and right hemispheres of the neocortex. The left hemisphere, turned to the cosmos and structure is digital, linear. The right hemisphere, turned towards chaos and chance has its origin in the nine numerals, the archetypes of fractal scaling. Each should be allowed to develop fully, to be different and totally asymmetrical. When the right brain is as strong as the left, a higher identity is created. The higher self follows the Strange attractors, epitomized by Mandelbrot set, z z¾ + c, and also corresponding to the musical octave and the Tao symbol.Most of us are still right left symmetrical because our left brain so totally dominates the right. We have to shift our emphasis from cosmos to chaos, from left brain dominance, to right brain balance. Then the right is not just an imitation of the left, it is different, unique. The last symmetry is gone and now the two asymmetrical sides can cohere in a new singularity. The ego, subject of the left hemisphere, becomes the organ of the Self in the right hemisphere. It attains this by establishing true contact with the Other.Right brain coherence comes through receptivity to the workings of the Strange attractors, to constrained chance. In the moments when this is realized, when we are in a coherent flow with the unpredictable turbulence of the World, we have attained the birthright of Man. We have realized the potential to self organize to a higher stage of evolution. As a whole being, in touch with both sides of ourself and others, we transcend the left-right animal symmetry. With two fully developed, yet distinctly different brains, we are autonomous, asymmetrical, truly free from outside manipulation. We have attained a higher inner coherence, a self organization in the midst of chaos. To animal man we seem like Strange attractors indeed. On the surface, and in the moment, our actions may appear haphazard and foolhardy, but over time the wisdom and beauty of the Human Man will be apparent to all.
(0) - The highest stage, beyond even the higher Man, is merger with God, the great singularity beyond name and form, as the real subject of Being, through synchronicity, love, and illumination: reaching the eternal moment.
Zero dimension Awareness makes possible integration of the four dimensions and the four states of consciousness. It allows Man to enter the fourth dimension and gives him access to the fractal forces of the Strange attractors.
By moving from the left to the right brain in regression you can relive past lives, past evolution, back to the origin of the Universe in the Great Singularity, and the exploding force of the primal Fire-Quanta. This regression back to the original primal Quanta puts you in touch with the source of Self-Organization, the Power of CHI. This opens you to the energy and force needed to maintain coherence in the fractal chaos of the fourth dimension.
The radiation of the photons is awareness through seeing and sensing. The electromagnetic energy of the electron allows awareness through smelling and thinking; the thermodynamics of the atom through tasting and feeling. The fission of the Galaxy becomes conscious by the power of speech, of the spirit creating new entities out of entropy. The fusion of the sun is the basis of the synergy of the soul, interpretation and reading, the creation of meaning. The gravitational energy of the earth is accessible through the sense of touch.
The mathematics of the molecular forces represents the basic structure of the Will. With living forms Will is the capacity for growth and reproduction through the genetic code. The subject self organizes and grows based on the strange attractor. New beings arise through fractal scaling according to the overall structure of the Cosmic Mind using the energies and mathematics of sound, the molecular vibrations or movement of matter, soul and spirit. With Man this process of the growth of being using free will was described by Buddhists as the creation of the immortal Diamond Body or the Golden Flower. By using free will in tune with the Strange Attractor and the energies of sound, our associative consciousness can change into Cosmic Awareness. The subject moves like a fractal in scales from the lower self imprisoned in deep molecular sleep, to the transcendent light of zero synchronistic awareness. This is the final aim of evolution, making sense of life and becoming co-creators of the manifoldness of the Universe.
METHODS/EXPERIMENTS: Further background reading and reflection on these ideas may help your understanding of cosmogony and assist in your escape from the last bondage of symmetry. The ideas of the Big bang theory are well known, see for instance the beautifully illustrated book by Colin A. Ronan The Natural History of the Universe. The ideas presented here on the corresponding dimension levels in the microcosm and mesocosm, evolution and change in symmetry are presently not as well known. These important insights were discovered by Arthur M. Young, the inventor of the Bell Helicopter. He founded the Institute For the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley, California and has authored many books on this and related subjects, see for instance his work: The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness. His ideas on symmetry and cosmology represent a major breakthrough in scientific thinking. An earlier pioneer in this field is D'Arcy Thompson with his book On Growth and Form.
For more information on the rapidly expanding discoveries concerning Self Organization, see for instance Paul Davies The Cosmic Blueprint, Erich Jantsch The Self Organizing Universe. For a visual representation of the scaling of the universe, from the near infinitely small to near infinitely big, with Man's place in the middle, see the book: Powers of Ten by Morrison and Eames. There is also a film by the same name by Charles and Ray Eames available from Media Magic.
For Cosmogony to be meaningful, far more than intellectual understanding is required. There needs to be an existential apprehension of the dimensions on all three phases: micro, meso and macro. Here transpersonal psychology can help. Transpersonal psychologists have developed numerous regression exercises to allow a person to access the deepest levels of memory, even memories of times and events which occurred before they were born.
By using PrimaSounds and other tools and methods of guided imagery and active imagination, you can have a conscious transpersonal experience of: your past human lives, past pre-human lives back down through evolution, animal lives, dinosaurs, plant, first molecular life on earth, minerals, earth and moon formation, molecules, atoms, sun formation, electrons, photons, galaxy formation, quanta and even the Big Bang itself.
Through guided active imagination you can also have vivid experiences of future evolution projection: advanced intelligence, peaceful exploration of space, contact with the children of other suns, then other galaxies, up to the pause before Universe contraction, the final maturation of all beings in the Universe in a growing field of love, up to the black holes and the final omega point of cosmic-orgasmic unity of all with all, and then on to next Big Bang of a new Universe. Most regression exercises require a friend to assist you in the experiment, sometimes the guidance of a trained professional is necessary.
The new insights gained from Chaos research and fractals discussed in Chapter Two suggests that an alternative cosmology to the Big Bang theory, called the Infinite Universe theory, may receive further serious consideration and experimentation. Under this theory the Universe is like a fractal, it is infinite. No matter how close you look, how much you magnify, you will still find new smaller layers of form. Between any two numbers, no matter how close, there is an infinity of additional numbers. There is no building block, no ultimately small particle upon which the rest is built. There is only self similarity over scales spanning an infinity of ever smaller forms. In the same way no ultimately small elementary particle of matter may be found to exist. There may instead exist an infinity of ever smaller particles before the pure quanta of energy is reached. The same may hold true on the larger scale. There may only be ever larger clusters of galaxies and clusters of clusters, ad infinitum with no limit. If so, there was no Big Bang; the Universe would be infinitely large with no beginning point and no end
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